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„Current and future applications of non-invasive and invasive BCIs”, pe 24 Mai, la Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti, Facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare

Workshop: Current and future applications of non-invasive and invasive BCIs              
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest & “Gheorghe Asachi’’ Technical University of Iasi & g.tec medical engineering Austria  
May 24th, 2017
Venue: Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers PRECIS Building, ROOM PR603 Reconfigurable high-confidence medical devices LAB Address: 313 Splaiul Independentei, sect. 6, Bucharest Tel: +40 744 286352
About the Workshop  Research groups all over the world have been working enthusiastically on Brain- Computer Interfaces (BCIs), which provide a direct connection from the human brain To a computer. BCIs translate brain activity into control signals for numerous applications,  including tools to help severely disabled users communicate and improve their quality of life. BCIs  have been used to restore movement, assess cognitive functioning, and provide communication and environmental control. During this workshop, we will demonstrate the three major BCI approaches motor imagery, P300 and steady state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP) - for spelling, assessment, rehabilitation and robot control. We will also explain new directions like active and dry electrodes, invasive ECoG systems and advanced VR control. The audience will see all the required hardware and software, procedures for cap mounting, training and classifier setup, and BCI operation. We will invite audience members to participate in live demonstrations, providing real-world examples of modern BCI performance in field settings. 




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05 April 2017

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